Art of Living Volunteers Apps

Live Satsang with Sri Sri 1.07
Connect Live with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar from wherever you are! Joinin for the Knowledge Sessions and Meditations with Sri Sri via thisapp.Key Features1. Watch Live Webcast of Satsangs2. View all upcoming live events3. Set Reminders to watch events4. View Archived Satsangs5. List of All Satsang Song Lyrics6. Notifications about Art of Living Live Events with Sri Sri
Personality Development Quotes 1.0
Enhance your Personality now!"In the history of the universe, there has been nobody like youand to the infinity of time to come, there will be no one like you.You are original. You are rare. You are unique. Celebrate youruniqueness."– Sri Sri Ravi ShankarQuotes that help you to enhance and develop yourpersonality!This app includes the wisdom quotes by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar onvarious topics..Features:- Shuffle backgrounds with quotes- Set quote's images as wallpaper- Share quote's image on whatsapp, facebook, twitter, etc usingsocial media apps- Latest Facebook posts by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar- Lastest Tweets by Sri Sri Ravi ShankarMore quotes: Click Share!One Click to set as background wallpaper
Art of Living Satsang Lyrics 1.2
This app contains the Art of Living Satsang songs lyrics, GuitarChord lyrics, Live webcast - satsang translation, Sri Sri's photos
Navratri 1.3
Art of Living Events App - Navratri! Get to know more about all theactivities that taken place during Navratri Event.Navratri ScheduleDaily Updates!Share your Navratri PhotosView Navratri Moments in GalleryEnjoy the auspicious chantsTelecast / Webcast of NavratriKnow the wisdom behind Navratri
Bangalore Ashram 5.3.1
This app is a guide to the Art of LivingBangalore Ashram (Art of Living's International Center inBangalore):It includes:1) Must See PlacesDetails of the places you must visit at the Bangalore Ashram.2) FacilitiesDetails of various facilities and amenities at the ashram such asemergency clinic, stores, food locations, health and wellnesscenter, divine shops, ATMs, locker room and much more.3) DirectionsEnter the source and destination and the app will guide you throughthe ashram.(Note: This functionality only works at Bangaloreashram)4) Live webcast and transcriptionThis gives immediate access to the art of living live webcast alongwith transcription in English so that you do not missanything.5) Courses and EventsGet details of the courses and events happening at Bangaloreashram. You can check the bangalore ashram calendar, register for acourse, subscribe to ashram events and check tour schedule of SriSri.6) ContactsImportant contacts of the ashram (email addresses and phonenumbers).7) FAQs about Bangalore AshramAll your questions and queries about Bangalore ashramanswered.8) Art of LivingOne click to the Art of living website ( details about Bangalore Ashram
Wisdom by Sri Sri 1.02
Wisdom by Sri Sri delivers daily quotes andinspiration that are words of profound wisdom. It will illuminatethe intellect, touch the heart and provide practical guidance forlife. It will also uplift your mind, leaden you to a life thatradiates the light of inner joy.Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a humanitarian and spiritual leader, anambassador of peace and human values. Through his life and work,Sri Sri has inspired millions around the world with a vision of astress-free, violence-free world. He has founded courses thatprovide techniques and tools to live a deeper, more joyous life andhe has established nonprofit organizations that recognize a commonhuman identity above the boundaries of race, nationality, andreligion. He has shown that inner and outer peace are possible andthat a stress-free, violence-free society can be created throughservice and by reawakening human values.Sri Sri travels the world sharing wisdom and insights on anumber of timely and important topics. He has written books thatteach and inspire. His talks motivate and encourage, offer comfortand reassurance, and provide insights for daily living.
Art of Living:Programs Centers 1.01
Smartphones just got wiser!Introducing The Art of Living Programs and Centers app! It is anexclusive app where you can find courses, follow-ups, satsangs andcenters anywhere in the world. Now you can also register forcourses and other events through this brand new app!
Happiness with Sri Sri 2.01
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a world renownedhumanitarian, spiritual leader and founder of the Happiness programwhich provides practical tools and techniques rooted in ancientyogic wisdom that help people live deeper and more joyous lives.This App is designed to help you be in a space of gratitude whenyou are happy and drop botherations when you are sad. Get ready toexperience true and divine happiness!
Relationships Tips 1.0
Burst the bubbles of misunderstanding with thearrows of love & wisdom ...Short quotes to brighten your day - Sometimes all it takes are afew words to improve your relationships. Journey through thesequotes and come closer to your loved ones...This app includes the wisdom quotes by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar onvarious topics..Features:- Shuffle backgrounds with quotes- Set quote's images as wallpaper- Share quote's image on whatsapp, facebook, twitter, etc usingsocial media apps- Latest Facebook posts by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar- Lastest Tweets by Sri Sri Ravi ShankarMore quotes:
Quotes by Sri Sri 2.1
Short quotes to brighten your day - Sometimesall it takes are a few words to change your life. Journey throughthese sutras and find your calling.This app includes the wisdom quotes by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar onvarious topics..Features:- Shuffle backgrounds with quotes- Set quote's images as wallpaper- Share quote's image on whatsapp, facebook, twitter, etc usingsocial media apps- Latest Facebook posts by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar- Lastest Tweets by Sri Sri Ravi ShankarMore quotes:
Japa / Chanting 1.0
This Japa / Chanting App gives user the optionto use the Android Phone as a Rosary for chanting any mantras thathe / she likesUser just needs to SWIPE / TAP the screen of the app to proceedwith the ChantsUser can set the number of Japa counts per round, aftercompleting one round the phone would vibrate if the user continuesto chant then the app with auto calculate the number of rounds andvibrate and beep after completing every round.Note: This app is not a replacement of Rosary or Beads which areused for chanting. Practically one cannot carry th Rosary or Beadseverywhere so this is an substitute for the same
Citas de Sri Sri 1.0
Citas cortas para iluminar tu dia - A vecestodo lo que hace falta es unas pocas palabras para cambiar tu vida.Viaja a través de estos sutras y encuentra tu mensaje.Esta aplicación incluye las frases de sabiduría por Sri Sri RaviShankar sobre diversos temas..Funcionalidades:- Cambiar fondos con frases- Aplicar las frases como fondo de pantalla- Compartir las frases en Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, etc usandoaplicaciones de redes sociales.- Los últimos posts en Facebook de Sri Sri Ravi Shankar- Los últimos tuits de Sri Sri Ravi ShankarMás frases (inglés):
Ashramites App 3.0.10
This app is for ashramites staying at Art ofLiving International Center, Bangalore. You can browse throughvarious events happening at the ashram. Stay updated with thelatest news.You can also post and share your moments with fellow Ashramites.Like, Comment and Share the goodness :)For any queries please contact at or8147753491
古儒吉大師智慧箴言 2.0
簡短的智慧箴言讓你的每一天發光發亮;有時候,僅是幾句話就可以改變你的一生。悠遊行進在這箴言的道路上,並找到你心靈的呼喚吧!本app程式內容涵蓋聖者 詩麗 詩麗 若威香卡(古儒吉大師)不同主題談話的智慧箴言。特點:- 箴言背景可置換- 將箴言背景圖片設定為手機桌面圖案- 透過社群應用程式whatsapp, 臉書(facebook), 推特(twitter) 分享箴言圖片- 古儒吉大師最新的臉書(facebook)發文- 古儒吉大師最新的推特(twitter)發文
World Culture Festival 1.0
The World Culture Festival 2016 is acelebration of The Art of Living’s 35 years of service, humanity,spirituality and human values. The festival will celebrate thediversity in cultures from across the world while simultaneouslyhighlighting our unity as a human family.Know everything about this event via this app!
Sri Sri University 1.0
This app has all the details of SriSriUniversity in Orrisa, Using this app you can know detailsofeverything that is offered in Sri Sri University (SSU).
Blessings 3.0
Blessings App:Why do you want to keep problem to yourself? Drop it herebeforegoing.You can come here with problem but you can’t go backwithyour problems - Sri Sri Ravi ShankarIt is now possible to seek blessings from The Art ofLivingBlessers, online!Share your or your loved one's concerns to us in this app andwewill forward it to the Art of Living Blessers.Details:
Trechos de sabedoria 1.0
Curtas citações para alegrar o seu dia –Àsvezes tudo o que é preciso são algumas palavras para melhorarsuavida. Passeie por esses sutras e encontre seu caminho.Esseaplicativo inclui trechos de sabedoria de Sri Sri Ravi Shankaremdiversos temas.Descrição:- Imagens alternadas com trechos de sabedoria- Definir uma imagem com citação como fundo de tela- Compartilhar as imagens com citações no whatsapp,facebook,twitter, etc, usando aplicativos de mídia social.- Últimos posts de facebook por Sri Sri Ravi Shankar- Últimos tweets por Sri Sri Ravi ShankarMais trechos
Japa / Chanting (New!) 2.1
This app provides 3 ways to help youinchanting your favorite mantras:1) Vibration Mode: Tap and chant the mantra, the phone willvibrateand record the count2) Sound Mode: Tap and chant the mantra, the phone will beepandcount.3) Automatic Mode: Set your counts, rounds and the intervalbetweencounts. The app will beep/vibrate after specifiedintervals.Note: You can choose background of your choice by tappingon‘Chanting’ on main screen.
Yoga & Meditation 2.0
This app has interesting content on YogaandMeditation.New Article on Yoga Poses and Meditation would be regularlyaddedin this.You can also share your interest to learn yoga / meditationandwe will get back to you with details of programs near you.
Happiness Survey (ArtOfLiving) 1.1
Happiness Survey is an app to allow usersshareabout their happiness in life. The data shared via this appwill bekept confidential. This app is for use of Art of LivingVolunteerswho would conduct an Happiness Survey in India.This app works in both online and offline mode. You canconductthe survey without internet and later sync all thesurveysonline.